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Bloodstone 💚❤💚

Ever since the dawn of history, it has been believed that she has the ability to control the weather... as strange as it sounds, that's what they believed 😅

And in addition, it was believed that it helps release negative energies and magical energies. They used to wear it as a talisman,

It is one of the ancient healing stones, dating back to Mesopotamia, one of the oldest cultures...if not the oldest, which disproves the legend that it was created at the time of Christ's crucifixion....

back in history,

It is said that she symbolized long life and glory,

The Victorians wore it to symbolize but...

In the Middle Ages it was used to stop nosebleeds,

In the East and Europe they used to use its powder together with honey and egg in order to extract venom from snakes, reduce tumors and stop STDs.

It was also believed to prevent eye diseases.

It has always been considered one of the most powerful healing stones,

Considered to purify and strengthen the blood system, strengthens the kidneys, cleans the energy field, reduces the formation of pus, is suitable for detoxification, liver, and metabolic processes.

Bloodstone protects the soul on all levels,

Protects against negative and existential energies, supports situations of confusion, helps to deal with challenging situations, helps to live in the here and now without past experiences holding us back.

Working with her helps to raise our frequency and purify us.

A crystal tip for working with it: to place it on the thymus chakra, the higher heart chakra in order to strengthen our immune system and overcome flu and colds.

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